
Sunday, April 8, 2012

London Baby !

I wanted to write this blog before I left for my trip but didn't have a chance. But here I am regardless, blogging from my hotel in London and honestly a bit tipsy. This is the first and only time I'll blog to you tipsy, but I have an excuse because I'm in London babyyyy!

Anyways, I've been in London for the last few days and also had the chance to visit Paris as well. I'm so very lucky and am also super grateful for this trip. The only downfall about it all is the fact that my Master was unable to come with me. This is the longest I've ever been away from him since we've dated and the thing that sucks the most is I have hardly any contact with him at all. I can't text him, can't call him, and the only Internet I get for free is in a small little room in the lobby and because of the time change there's hardly any talk time.

I think I'm good at run on sentences.

This trip has made me realize that I CANNOT live without him. I guess that's a good realization, but it sucks to not have him hold me right now. This is my last night in this hotel room and I have a 9 hour flight to look forward to. :)

Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow!

We took close to 900 pictures on this trip and I'll try to select a few to show you guys, while still staying someone anonymous. I think it makes things more fun. Ill slowly unwrap myself to you... Muahaha. Maybe I do have a bit of a sadistic side.

1 comment:

  1. Nice that you realize you can't live without him. And look forward to you showing some of your pictures.

